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Colling Gilbert Wright have recently filed a FINRA arbitration claim on behalf of investors who purchased alternative investments through VSRFinancial Services.

We have recently filed a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim against VSR Financial Services (VSR), a large regional brokerage firm headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas.  VSR is a full-service securities broker/dealer founded in 1985 and has more than two hundred seventy-five registered representatives operating in 36 states.  The firm is licensed to sell securities in all 50 states and is a member of FINRA and SIPC.

The Claimants were sold a number of very speculative and unsuitable investments by VSR representatives holding themselves out as having a special expertise in assessing the Claimants’ investment needs.  VSR and its representatives convinced Claimants to invest in numerous highly speculative private placements, as well as non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) and limited partnerships (“alternative investments”).   The subject investments include: Cole Credit Property Trusts, Cypress Income Fund, MPF Senior Notes, MPF Income Funds, Atlas Public Fund, Arciterra Note Fund, Cole Senior Notes, Cypress Equipment Funds, MAC Diversified Income Funds, AmREIT Monthly Income and Growth Funds, Atlas America, NetREIT, Odyssey Diversified Notes and Funds, Black Diamond, Bradford Funds and Mewbourne Funds.

We believe VSR representatives should have known the high commission paying “alternative investments” were not appropriate investments for the Claimants but sold them anyway. If you are currently holding a non-performing alternative investment, please contact our firm for a free case evaluation.  You may call (888) 513-3010 or (888) 513-3010.  We only represent investors on a contingency fee basis and will not get paid unless we are successful.