Spotting Signs of Churning in Your Portfolio
Churning occurs when a stockbroker attempts to generate large commissions by engaging in excessive selling and buying of securities in a client’s account. Churning is illegal and unethical, but not always easy to spot. If you suspect your broker is churning your account, the stock fraud attorneys at Colling Gilbert Wright can help. Please call us at (407) 712-7300 and schedule a free review of your portfolio and related documents to determine if you have cause to file suit.
The most obvious sign of churning is seemingly frequent sales and purchases of securities. In most churning cases these transactions will not have anything to do with your long term investment goals or do anything to strengthen your portfolio. If you have noticed in-and-out sales and purchases on your statement, we can begin a review to determine if churning has occurred and start taking action to protect your financial investments.
With over eight decades of combined experience, the stock fraud attorneys at Colling Gilbert Wright know how to spot churning and how to protect victims from serious losses. Please contact us online or call our Orlando, Florida office at (407) 712-7300 to schedule your free case review today.