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documentation of investment fraud | Colling Gilbert Wright and Carter

Your Investment Fraud Recovery Checklist

Investment fraud occurs when intentionally deceptive tactics are used to trick investors into making financial decisions based on false information. These schemes are often characterized by low or no-risk investments, guaranteed or excessively consistent returns, overly complex strategies, and offers of unregistered securities.

The experienced investment fraud lawyers at Colling Gilbert Wright have helped victims of investment fraud for years. If you believe you may have been scammed, it is crucial to act quickly. Our attorneys are intimate with these complex and difficult cases. We are committed to helping our clients achieve justice by holding negligent investment entities accountable for their wrongdoing.

Investment Fraud Victim Recovery Checklist

If you suspect you are the victim of investment fraud, consider the checklist below. It may be able to help you recover your losses and move forward.

Know the Signs of Investment Fraud

The first step to obtaining justice after being victimized through fraud is to be able to identify the fraud in the first place. The unfortunate reality is that victims of investment fraud are more likely to be re-targeted, perhaps for a different type of fraud. Because of this, it is imperative that you are well-informed and on your guard with all of your investment decisions.

Learn more about what constitutes investment fraud.

Begin an Investment Fraud File

Evidence is crucial in any investment fraud case. If you suspect wrongdoing on the part of your investment advisor, gather relevant documents related to the fraud and keep it all in a secure location. Your investment fraud file should contain the name, phone number, physical mail address, email address, and website address of the perpetrator. Additionally, be sure to include:

  • A timeline of events
  • The fraudster’s regulatory registration numbers (if available)
  • Police report (if available)
  • Call notes
  • Other documentation related to the fraud
  • Your most recent credit report

The more evidence you can gather, the stronger your case may be. It’s important to begin building your investment fraud file as soon as you suspect wrongdoing.

Talk to an Attorney

The sooner you talk to an experienced investment fraud attorney, the better your chances are of recovering your financial losses. A lawyer can look at the facts surrounding your investments, assess your situation, and explain your legal options.

Federal law (and state laws, in some cases) protects victims of crime – including fraud. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has information on its website regarding financial fraud and victims’ rights. On the state level, you can check to acquire the contact information of your state Attorney General.

Understanding your federal and local rights are crucial in your pursuit of justice. An attorney can help you make sense of your rights and advise you on your next steps. However, it is important to contact an attorney quickly. Waiting too long to take action could jeopardize your chances of recovering your financial losses.

Report the Fraud 

Depending on the details of your situation, your attorney may advise reporting the fraud to the approp[riate authorities. Agencies that you could report the fraud to include:

  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center):
  • U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission: (866) 366-2382 or file a tip or complaint
  • National Futures Association: (312) 781-1467 or file a complaint
  • National Association of Insurance Commissioners: report fraud or file a complaint to your state Commissioner.  
  • North American Securities Administrators Association: (202) 737-0900 or
  • FINRA: (844) 57-HELPS or file a tip
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: (800) SEC-0330 or file a complaint.

Your attorney may also advise filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This will help law enforcement track these crimes and prevent further fraud. However, filing with the FTC does not trigger a criminal investigation of your case. 

Report the Fraud to Law Enforcement 

To start the process of recovering your financial losses, it is important to report the fraud to law enforcement. This helps to ensure the perpetrators are investigated and other investors do not become victims of fraud.

Depending on your situation, you may report the fraudulent activities to:

  • Federal Law Enforcement: You can report fraud to the FBI
  • Attorney General: Fraud can be reported to your state’s Attorney General’s Consumer Protection unit. 
  • District Attorney: Inform your local District Attorney’s Office.
  • Local Law Enforcement: You can file a police report by contacting your local law enforcement office.

Contact Our Investment Fraud Lawyers Today

If you’ve been the victim of investment fraud, you deserve justice. Colling Gilbert Wright has helped many investors recover their financial losses. Our experienced investment fraud lawyers have the knowledge, skill, and resources necessary to help you recover your losses.

Call (888) 513-3010 today for a FREE consultation. We serve clients throughout the state of Florida and Nationwide.